Ta Da!


(Big thanks to https://hikeminded.wordpress.com/, for my unexpected Liebster Award and the inspiration to write this piece.  Great blog to, well written and great photos.)

You can imagine my surprise when I recently discovered my blog had won an award…back in July!

It goes like this… Continue reading

Add menu to child?

In the off chance my blog gave you the impression that I know what I’m doing…you’ve been rather misled.  At least as far as blogging goes.  Double alpine butterfly knots yes…but all this messing about with posts and pages and links is frankly a bit beyond me. Continue reading

Quick question regarding my blog…

Just a quick note…things felt to cluttered with all these full posts on my home page.  Granted I’m no blogging expert, but I figured only showing partial posts might make things easier to navigate.

The question is: is it better?  Is there some other way of laying things out/customizing that would be more enjoyable to read?

I’ve looked over a bunch of your blogs (you being the folks following mine) and they are quite nice.  I’d be happy to hear your suggestions!

Sorry to drop such a ‘behind the scenes” kind of post here.  Hoping my readers might have some useful thoughts :)

Any comments or messages are much appreciated!  Cheers, Simon


How I got a blog

Until recently I avoided blogs…out of date, poorly written, overly egotistical.  I never imagined that I would ever want one, for any reason.  Then Alastair Humphreys really turned me around.  His blog is fantastic; it’s up to date, interesting, and not an all out ego-fest.

Next I came across Tegan Phillips.  Her blog (Unclipped Adventure) is all done in hand drawn cartoons and they are wonderfully funny and refreshingly honest.  Tegan is currently biking in Africa with her family, which is amazing, and you should totally check it out here.

Okay, so maybe blogs can be a really cool way of sharing adventures.  I know Tegan and Alastair inspired me, and maybe my adventures will inspire other people…who knows.

Well…here I am, making a blog.  Will it be out of date?  Will it be boring?  Will it be horribly written and generally terrible?  Time will tell!